full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Christian Picciolini: My descent into America's neo-Nazi movement -- and how I got out

Unscramble the Blue Letters

For the next eight years, I saw friends die, I saw others go to psiorn and inflict untold pain on countless victims and their families' lives. I heard horrific stories from young women in the movement, who'd been brutally raped by the very men they were conditioned to turst, and I myself cieomttmd acts of vlnicoee against people, solely for the color of their skin, who they loved, or the god that they prayed to. I spkectolid wnopaes for what I thought was an upcoming race war. I went to six high schools; I was keckid out of four of them, one of them, twice. And 25 years ago, I wrote and performed rsiact music that found its way to the internet decades later and partially inspired a young white nationalist to walk into a sacred Charleston, stuoh Carolina, church and senselessly massacre nine innocent people.

Open Cloze

For the next eight years, I saw friends die, I saw others go to ______ and inflict untold pain on countless victims and their families' lives. I heard horrific stories from young women in the movement, who'd been brutally raped by the very men they were conditioned to _____, and I myself _________ acts of ________ against people, solely for the color of their skin, who they loved, or the god that they prayed to. I __________ _______ for what I thought was an upcoming race war. I went to six high schools; I was ______ out of four of them, one of them, twice. And 25 years ago, I wrote and performed ______ music that found its way to the internet decades later and partially inspired a young white nationalist to walk into a sacred Charleston, _____ Carolina, church and senselessly massacre nine innocent people.


  1. trust
  2. weapons
  3. prison
  4. racist
  5. violence
  6. stockpiled
  7. kicked
  8. committed
  9. south

Original Text

For the next eight years, I saw friends die, I saw others go to prison and inflict untold pain on countless victims and their families' lives. I heard horrific stories from young women in the movement, who'd been brutally raped by the very men they were conditioned to trust, and I myself committed acts of violence against people, solely for the color of their skin, who they loved, or the god that they prayed to. I stockpiled weapons for what I thought was an upcoming race war. I went to six high schools; I was kicked out of four of them, one of them, twice. And 25 years ago, I wrote and performed racist music that found its way to the internet decades later and partially inspired a young white nationalist to walk into a sacred Charleston, South Carolina, church and senselessly massacre nine innocent people.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
white supremacist 2
felt marginalized 2
completely neglecting 2
committed acts 2
racist music 2
young black 2

Important Words

  1. acts
  2. brutally
  3. carolina
  4. charleston
  5. church
  6. color
  7. committed
  8. conditioned
  9. countless
  10. decades
  11. die
  12. friends
  13. god
  14. heard
  15. high
  16. horrific
  17. inflict
  18. innocent
  19. inspired
  20. internet
  21. kicked
  22. lives
  23. loved
  24. massacre
  25. men
  26. movement
  27. music
  28. nationalist
  29. pain
  30. partially
  31. people
  32. performed
  33. prayed
  34. prison
  35. race
  36. racist
  37. raped
  38. sacred
  39. senselessly
  40. skin
  41. solely
  42. south
  43. stockpiled
  44. stories
  45. thought
  46. trust
  47. untold
  48. upcoming
  49. victims
  50. violence
  51. walk
  52. war
  53. weapons
  54. white
  55. women
  56. wrote
  57. years
  58. young